Wits Kudu 15km

Posted: January 10, 2014

Happy New Year 2014!

The Wits Kudu 15 km race is the perfect race to start the new year for people in Gauteng. It’s shorter than half a marathon and more challenging than the usual 10km.

The race starts off with an easy hill down, down and down into the Westcliff area. Unfortunately all this going down means there will inevitably be some uphill. This comes into play after half way where you start to feel all the food and drink you’ve had over christmas starting to weigh you down. The hills bring you out of Westcliff and back up to the varsity where the last hill through the campus finishes the race and you.

The race is well organized; starting at Wits means you get loads of parking and it starts at 7:00 which helps as 6:00 for this time of year just wouldn’t work. Starting later does however make you finish when the sun is starting to burn. I had a pretty average race finishing in 1h:25m, the hills in the second half really caught me. This race definitely acts as a wake up call for most runners with big plans for the year. I need to get running more! We got a bag after finishing instead of a medal. There was water and coke at a number of water stations. This race is a must if you around in Johannesburg. Two pictures from the start, not great sorry.

Start of wits kudu 15km

Start at Wits Kudu 15km 2014

The route: GPX File

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