Another lunchtime run

Short and sweet

the run

A quick lunchtime run at just under 4km. It was pretty windy because there is cold front blowing its way up towards us here in Johannesburg. So this weekend is going to be pretty cold and miserable. Not much happened on the run. I did go down a street that was about 500m long, which had two houses with build in tennis courts. Yeah I work in a pretty fancy area.


The parking lot at the gym has a half decent view, so I got a little geeky and tried a panorama pic and a photo sphere using my android. I didn’t have much time to take the pictures so the photo sphere isn’t very good, I should have done a full 360 and even shot more of the surroundings (full sphere). If you only see black, rotate using the controls till you see an image. Here is the photosphere below, all you need to embed it on a webpage is:

  • take a photo sphere (swipe left on the android camera app)
  • go to google map views
  • hit the add photo button and choose the photo sphere from your photos (you’ll need set your phone to have auto upload photos to google+ on)
  • once uploaded, click on your google+ icon, navigate to your photo
  • hit the sharing icon and copy the html embed code from the share box and paste in your site

Views: Byan Park Shopping Centre Parking by Geoffrey Hunt

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