I'm Geoffrey Hunt, a software developer based in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Back in the day I couldn't find a domain and long distance running, was and still is a big love of mine. Hence the domain runningdeveloper.com
I thought I would post about all my running adventures here. That's not quite what happended with my 1 post a year average 😅.
Software development
I am a software developer. I like to try various side projects (I will let you know if anything turns out well 😅).
I love using JavaScript to build things, on the web or in other places. React is my daily driver for frontend things these days, I can get a lot done with it. I like experimenting with other frameworks.
Don't ask me to make something look pretty. Rather give me some guidance and I'll make it work.
Currently I'm working for a fintech company called Kastelo as a software developer.
I have some consulting work I do on the side too.
Take a look at my Github account for some other experiments and open source work github.com/runningdeveloper
I'm an amateur long distance runner and not very fast. My running goes in cycles, sometimes I'm doing lots of runs and races. Then I go through a dry patch where I don't run 😟. Being a runner I need to tell you that I finished the Comrades Marathon (89km) four times. I have done a few videos in the past about some of the running I've done (please do not watch they are so cringe now).
In 2022 I ran every day, this did wonders for my running and health.
I have an extensive bucket list of races I'm trying to tick off. Please send me more ideas.
Other things
I thought I was a maker, but turns out I'm not. I have a few electronics projects I've done and 100s half finished projects in the draw.
I have too many ideas as the home page states. All related to running, software, electronics and silly pranks. Doubt I'll ever get to them all.
This website is built with Astro, used to be Gatsby (seems to have kind of died 😥), before that Wordpress and some home baked static html. "We learn!"